About Our Coffees


Coffee Origin- Guatemala 

Our Guatemalan coffee beans originate from lush plantations nestled within the volcanic valleys encircling Antigua, a region framed by the majestic presence of three towering volcanoes: Agua, Fuego, and Acatenango. These meticulously tended coffee plantations thrive in the embrace of nutrient-rich volcanic soil, flourishing under optimal growing conditions at an elevation of 1650 meters. The coffee varieties cultivated here include Caturra, Bourbon, and Typica.

This coffee delights the palate with its rich, chocolatey essence, delivering a delightful sweetness and a full-bodied experience. As you savor its aroma, you'll detect subtle hints of blackberries. It's a truly delicious treat for coffee enthusiasts."

Coffee Origin - Brazil

Brazilian coffee is celebrated for its remarkable balance, making it a sought-after choice as a base for various coffee blends.

Nestled in the renowned coffee-growing region of Cerrado Minas Gerais, our coffee hails from Brazil, the world's largest coffee producer. Brazil has set exceptional standards for the cultivation, harvesting, and processing of coffee, and this reflects in the quality of the beans it produces.

Our Brazilian coffee beans are expertly roasted to offer a mild and effortlessly enjoyable flavor profile. This coffee truly shines when brewed as a filter coffee, so consider trying it in a V60 or Aeropress for an exceptional experience.

Sourced from a blend of Mundo Novo, Catuai, and Bourbon coffee varieties, this naturally processed coffee delivers a smooth and mild drinking experience with enticing notes of nuts, making each sip a delight.

Coffee Origin - Rwanda

Rwanda, though small in size, boasts a coffee that can only be described as divine. Situated in the heart of Africa without access to the coastline, exporting coffee from this nation can be a costly endeavor. 

Our coffee, cultivated at altitudes ranging from 1,400 to 1,900 meters, is a blend of Bourbon and Typica varieties. It is meticulously sourced from a network of 40 washing stations and 35,000 dedicated farmers across Rwanda, then processed at the Rwanda Trading Company in Kigali. The result is a well-balanced, fruity, and sweet coffee with delightful hints of cranberries. We take pride in roasting our Rwanda coffee beans to perfection, achieving a light to medium roast that brings out its unique qualities. 

Coffee Origin - Colombia

Colombia stands as one of the world's premier coffee-producing nations, revered for its exceptional coffee beans. As the third-largest coffee producer globally, Colombians have honed their expertise in coffee cultivation since as far back as 1790.

Our supremo coffee hails from the heart of Colombia, specifically sourced from Medellin and crafted from a blend of Caturra, Typica, and Bourbon varieties. This coffee boasts a delightful chocolatey and nutty profile, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate a mild filter coffee or a sweet and slightly vibrant espresso.

The beans undergo a thorough washing process, resulting in a cup of coffee characterized by crystal-clear flavors and a lively brightness that can be savored in generous quantities throughout the day.

Coffee Origin - Ethiopia

One of our favourite coffees, this highlights to us how delicious Ethiopian coffee is. It is wild, winey and yet full bodied. It is in someways similar to Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee but not as floral.

Our Limu is grown about 1600 masl in the Oromia region of south west Ethiopia and is a mix of coffees beans from just six farms of the Eastern African Heirloom varieties.

Fruity, winey and sweet, a perfect start to the day!